Authentic 6 count jive...
The relatively modern title 'Swing Jive'
is the original post-war 40's/50's 6 count jive that was danced in the dance halls in the 1940's & 1950's.
There were various types, East Coast Swing or Jitterbug all grew from Lindy - Hop and became popular when the music of the era became faster.

These are the original dance styles that were around in the 40's and 50's when Rock and Roll, Swing and Rhythm and Blues was most popular. So if you like the Big Band sounds of the 40's, or Rhythm & Blues or Rock & Roll of the 50's and early 60's this is the style to learn!

Perhaps you've already tried Lindy-Hop and found this too energetic? If you prefer the slightly faster Rhythm & Blues or Rock & Roll music this may be harder to dance Lindy-Hop to. Or maybe you've learned Modern Jive or Ceroc/Leroc. Whilst these styles are suitable for slower tempo modern music, you may struggle to dance to tunes from the 40's and 50's in this style. It just doesn't look or feel 'right'.
Even if you've never danced a step in your life, as long as you can tap your feet to the great vintage sounds of Glenn Miller, Chuck Berry or Jerry Lee Lewis [to name just a few] you could be dancing this style after just one course!