Our very popular SWING JIVE Beginners courses
Our 10 week Beginners Swing Jive Courses are designed for the complete novice as well as those who have danced other dance styles such as modern jive or rock and roll jive. Our ten week courses are £90 for single students, and £170 for couples
There are three beginners courses.
Beginners A, Beginners B and Beginners C They are run on our three terms.
The winter term 'A' starts in January, our Spring term 'B' in April, and our Autumn term 'C' commences in September.
The three beginners courses share some of the core beginner jive moves, however each course also includes some new moves.
We welcome students who don't have a partner to learn with. Single students will be partnered with our lovely experienced 'Dance Buddies' who devote their free time to partner our new students. Some say it's a bit like having your own private teacher partnering you. We recommend students complete at least one of our Beginners Courses, and a Beginners EXTRA course This should provide you with the ability to comfortably social dance. You may then want to join one of our Intermediate Courses
We actively encourage you to attend the many social dances organised by Jive 'n' Boogie as well as other promoters as early in your dance journey as possible. We have an extensive selection of event flyers at all of our classes. Please ask any of our instructors or crew members for more details. Attending social dances is the best way to learn. We'll teach you the moves on the courses, however many students have remarked how much quicker the learn to dance by attending social dances whenever possible.